Appointment of
Judge Fatsah Ouguergouz

Appointment of Judge Fatsah Ouguergouz as Rector of the Institute

The Curatorium of the African Institute of International Law is pleased to inform you that, during its second extraordinary meeting on Saturday 18 June 2022, it has decided to appoint Judge Fatsah Ouguergouz, Rector of the Institute in replacement of Ambassador Sani Mohammed who had expressed his wish to step down as Rector as of 30 June 2022 after having served in that position since 2014. The Curatorium has also decided to appoint Professor Wanyama Kulundu-Bitonye (Kenya) as Vice-Rector for Funding, Academic Issues and Capacity Building, and Mr. Bahame Tom Nyanduga (Tanzania) as Vice-Rector for Administrative, Institutional and Cooperation Issues.

The Curatorium has also adopted a motion of thanks to the outgoing Rector, Ambassador Sani Mohammed, for his excellent work and numerous achievements during his eight years at the head of the Institute.

The new Rector and the two Vice-Rectors of the Institute will take office on Friday 1st July 2022. Their biographies are available on the Institute’s website.