19-21 October 2023


The African Institute of international law (AIIL) is conducting a training workshop on the rights
of women in Africa from 19 to 21 October 2023. The event is especially significant for the
commemoration of the 20th anniversary of The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and
Peoples’ rights in Africa (“the Maputo Protocol”). This workshop seeks to address the critical
gaps and challenges that hinder the effective implementation of the Maputo Protocol. It comes
within the initiatives to address these challenges through targeted training, advocacy, and
knowledge sharing activities aimed at key stakeholders such as government officials, civil society
organizations, in particular grassroots women’s rights advocates. This is part of the African
Institute of International Law’s five-year project aimed at promoting a better knowledge of the
women rights for the consolidation of the rule of law and implementation of rules-based panAfrican integration.

Adopted by the African Union in 2003, the Maputo Protocol is a legal instrument that is essential
to the promotion and protection of the rights of women on the African Continent. 2023 marks 20
years since its adoption. The 20th anniversary of the Maputo Protocol presents a valuable moment
for both celebration of its successes and reflection on strategies to further strengthen its impact.
Over the past two decades, significant progress has been made in the promotion and protection of
women’s rights through the protocol. Notably, 44 out of 55 member states of the African Union
have ratified the Maputo Protocol, thus demonstrating a widespread commitment to its principles.
However, challenges persist, particularly in the areas of implementation and reporting. Efforts are
needed to ensure effective implementation of the protocol’s provisions and to encourage member
states to fulfill their reporting obligations. By addressing these challenges, we can enhance the
transformative power of the Maputo Protocol and advance the rights of women across the African


The training program has an overarching objective of enhancing the capacity of African judicial
personnel, scholars, legal professionals, government officials, civil society members, and the
broader citizenry in international human rights law and jurisprudence pertaining to women’s rights
in Africa. To accomplish this, the program aims to: raise awareness about the rights of women and
girls as guaranteed in national and international legal frameworks and the corresponding
obligations; enhance participants’ skills in applying women’s rights norms, particularly within the
context of United Nations and African regional and sub-regional instruments; propose practical
and legal solutions to reduce violations of women’s and girls’ rights, with a focus on progressive
elimination; generate political commitment in support of the defense and promotion of women’s
and girls’ rights; promote the ratification of the Maputo Protocol; and facilitate networking and
knowledge sharing among participants


By the conclusion of the training, participants will have the capacity to sensitize target groups on
the responsibilities of the State and various partners in promoting and safeguarding women’s and
girls’ rights, identify challenges hindering the realization of women’s rights, particularly the
violations against women and girls, instruct on women’s and girls’ rights and responsibilities using
participatory pedagogy, suggest solutions to eradicate or minimize these violations within a
specific context, and assess a training session focused on women’s and girls’ rights and


The Program is a comprehensive three-day workshop aimed at enhancing knowledge, awareness,
and advocacy skills among participants regarding women’s rights in Africa. The program seeks to
foster a deeper understanding of the rights and challenges faced by women and girls in the African
context and develop strategies for promoting gender equality. The training program consists of
three modules: the first module focuses on providing participants with the technical and legal skills
related to the legal framework in Africa, including the Maputo Protocol and other relevant laws;
the second module explores the challenges facing women’s rights in Africa, examining both
successful interventions and areas that require further progress; and the final module involves
hands-on action planning towards the next twenty years of the protocol, empowering participants
to become proactive agents of change. By integrating these modules, the program equips
participants with the necessary tools, insights, and strategies to advocate for women’s rights and
drive gender equality in Africa.


The training course will be conducted in the form of interactive seminars and discussions to allow
a maximum exchange of views. A comprehensive set of training materials would be provided for
each participant at the beginning of the training course. Certificates will be awarded to those
participants who will have completed the training workshop in its entirety


This workshop targets a broad audience, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in
particular grass root organizations, government officials from relevant ministries responsible for
women and girls’ rights issues, the media, academics and researchers, relevant professionals.

AIIL is also inviting all the 55 African Union member States to send representatives. States will
pay for the travel and accommodation expenses of their participants. AIIL will be responsible for
their ground logistics: airport transfers and ground travel to and from conference venues.
Participants will have to pay a registration fee of USD 30.


The workshop will be held at the Arusha International Conference Center from 19 to 21 October 2023. It will be conducted in English and French with simultaneous interpretation.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, 11 September 2023

States are encouraged to send us the name, position and contact information of their selected
representative no later than Monday 11 September 2023.

Non-state applicants are requested to apply as soon as possible. When selecting participants, due
consideration will be given to the candidates’ qualifications, the scope of their professional duties,
the relevance of the training to their professional duties as well as geographic and gender balance
of the participants.

Applications for admission should be submitted no later than Monday 11 September 2023.
Applicants should send a motivation letter and CV to: [email protected] and
[email protected]. You may also reach out to us by telephone through the following
number that also uses WhatsApp: +255 710 732 590.


Participation of State representatives will be on a self-sustaining/sponsorship basis.

Non-State participants with special financial nee

ds can apply for funding specifying the expense
to be covered. Yet, applicants should know that the availability of such funding is in any event
limited to the most disadvantaged applicants.

Fellowship participants will receive economy airfare, accommodation and meals. Self-funded
participants bear costs associated with their participation (travel, accommodation and living

Booking arrangements for accommodation can be made upon request. Lunch, two coffee/tea
and snacks, and training materials will be provided to all participants